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Feb 10, 2020 - Photography
January 25, 2025 1:55pm
Every time you're only interested in what's in the foreground? Or maybe you'll also look behind the main characters' backs sometimes? It is not always worth abandoning the background for the main object, as it is often the one that can impress the most.
Japanese boke is nothing but mist or fuzz. Hence the name of the bokeh effect, which is able to make the background of a photograph shine like billions of sequins or an entire army of stars, while at other times it temptes with fog as if an inexorable mystery. Because bokeh is the background, but sometimes also the foreground. Everything depends on the author's concept.
{a6}Say "boke." Okay, try again, this time by accenting the first syllable. And voila! Now, see how to get that effect.
Grab an SLR camera in your hand! What now? The best way is to switch to manual mode. This allows you to change the aperture value yourself. The brighter the lens, the brighter the effect, so use one with an f/2.8 aperture and even bigger! Remember that a large aperture is a small number f. It will increase the intensity of the blur and reduce the depth of field.
The closer you get to your subject, the better, but don't exceed the minimum sharpening distance - you'll get a sharpened background, not the other way around. Also remember that the more you move the model or photographed object away from the background, the more the background will blur and you will get better bokeh. If a person or object gets too close to the lights, everything will merge into one plan and threads with bokehu. Remember this especially when you don't have a bright lens.
Long focal length is also included! It will increase the fuzzy area in your photos. Lenses with a long focal length cause more background blur than wide-angle lenses. You have a zoom lens? Set the maximum focal length! So, you use an 18-55mm lens? Use the 55mm focal length!
n-Your aperture can be opened up to a maximum of f/3.5 and you're afraid it will get worse when you set the zoom to 55mm? Wrong! It is better to take pictures at a lower aperture and longer focal length than the opposite.
Technical advice is behind you and you're about to take a picture. Do you want to get an intense effect on your photography? Combine light and shade, for example, the sun shining through the crowns of trees, or, most simply, practice at home on Christmas tree lights. Hunt for beautiful bokeh remembering that you can meet him in really many (more or less ordinary) circumstances.
nPortraits and close-ups are the shots where the bokeh effect has the greatest chance of being beautifully, expressively displayed. The blurred background gives photographs a special softness, neutralizing excessive lighting and perfectly cutting off the object. A great object, but not very impressive background? We guarantee that with the bokeh effect it will look magical!
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